Hi! Online, I use the alias Millian.
I'm a CS major; that means I hope to touch funny shaped rocks all day long and get paid for it.
My hobbies include coding, graphic design, game development, and mountainbiking. Most of what I code in is the proprietary, object-oriented and inheritance-based language
Dream Maker, but there's no common language I haven't at least touched. In the future, I hope to master Python and Rust, and right now I'm teaching myself html! Learning is definitely a lot harder on my own, but I'm getting there.
My investment in Computer Science stems from two topics: game design, and neural networks.
--ᗘ I've always had a fascination with game dev-- I was a flash kid, if that means anything-- because of the new and innovative ways computers can be used as an interactive medium. Never before has the marriage of technology and art been so publically available, and the mixing of media offers a lot of room to explore artistic expression. I have to confess that I'm still involving myself in the Game Dev scene, but you can play two things that I've worked on, right now, in the comfort of your own home! Check out my arts directory, linked below, for more information.
--ᗘ My interest in Machine Learning's a lot newer, but it's still something I'm deeply fascinated in. I do a lot of reading and watching on Deep Learning, especially their use in behavioral emulations of life, and the differences between evolutionary and gradient descent learning models is something I'm big on. A project I've plotted out, but haven't fully implemented yet is the combination of Artifial Intelligence and Game Dev: a game where a player has to face off against physics-based agents who learn, adapt, and compete against the user based off different input models and backpropagation algorithms.
Associated Links:
[(Internal) Here], you can see a directory of all the things I've made! There's quite a lot, so I highly suggest digging through it.
[(External) Here], you can see the photographs I've taken. I still need to requeue all the spring-fall 2023 images.
[(External) Here], you can see my github. Most of what I do isn't through github, but there's still a lot you can look at.