Basic Damage |
Armor Damage
Pipeshot has been buffed since these videos. They now do around 50 at point blank, and there are three types instead of 2.
Sawflies: Sawfly controllers no longer can be emagged or destroyed, and sawflies do normal damage to armor (8 on security vests). They do, however, nowadays prioritize secoffs.
Halberd: A custom, variable-use melee weapon. I'm really glad this got added to the game.
Surplus ops: Scrapped, but fully implemented antagonist; didn't make its way into the game for a variety of reasons.
The Four Letter Word: A quad-barrel shotgun coded for what the Surplus ops eventually became. It's a little mechanically complex, but that's intentional as a means of raising the skill ceiling.
The Crash Axe: Another weapon intended for the Salvagers, though a melee one this time around. Presents utility in and out of combat.